I've been intending to post something to this blog for a while now, but I just haven't gotten the motivation to go ahead with any particular topic. A lot of my time the last few weeks has been spent on sports (watching and reading about), so I've decided to write a few posts on sports topics.
The Copa America Centenario tournament just ended a few days ago. The European Championships are still raging. (Those are soccer tournaments, by the way.) I have watched many, many matches from these tournaments. There are several things I would like to say about what I've been seeing. I'm not sure how many posts I'll be writing, but I imagine there will be at least two, possibly a bunch.
I listened to the audiobook for Kevin Hearne's Hounded and really liked it, so I might post a literary criticism in the next few days as well. Hopefully, through some sort of posts, I will get some lifeblood back into this blog.