Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Read My Story

"Read My Story" is a short fiction piece published on The Story Shack.  It wasn't a terrible work, but it felt very childish.  The wording is like that of MG for the most part.  The genre is tough to place.  I would almost venture to call it literary because of its use as a device to make a point and do little else, although there were slight fragments of what you could call romance and The Story Shack calls it sci-fi.  Thoughts are well-implimented for the most part.  I give it a 3.2/5.

What do you think?


  1. I haven't heard of it. Does the content match the MG wording?

    1. You can read it for yourself. The italics at the bottom saying "What do you think?" is a link. There isn't anything in it that someone of MG age couldn't read, if that's what you are asking.
